Categories:Sunlight Blog
The Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran condemns public union shout-down tactics
Posted On05/20/2019 byAt a Rutgers town hall on his “Path to Progress” pension and health benefit reform plan, senate president Sweeney got shouted down by CWA members in the audience. New Jersey has a serious pension and benefits crisis. For too long, reform efforts have been stymied by a vested interests that don’t want reform. For too…Read More
Categories:Sunlight Blog
Letter from the President and Founder of SPCNJ, Mike Lilley
Posted On05/20/2019 byWelcome to the Sunlight Policy Center of New Jersey (SPCNJ). Thank you for visiting our site. The SPCNJ is based on research I completed for the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in 2016-17 that resulted in the five-part “Legal Corruption” series. You can find these reports in the “AEI Series” section of the site. For decades the most…Read More