…Surprise, it’s actually another
Dark Money Super PAC with Deep Ties to the NJEA!
…So its time we ALL need look deeper.
This past week, an “advocacy” group named NJ21United made it into New Jersey headlines. NJ21United is the group behind a “Week of Action” in support of its #OnlyWhenItsSafe campaign to delay the re-opening of schools due to COVID concerns.
To be clear, there are certainly good reasons why both teachers and parents would be nervous about a re-opening of New Jersey’s public schools, and SPCNJ respects the right of all New Jersey citizens to express their views, including the NJEA and its members.
HOWEVER, after some further digging, it’s clear that N21United WAS NOT created to advocate during this global pandemic, it was launched last year as a statewide political organizing group to push the NJEA’s overall agenda, and it is staffed accordingly.
The people of New Jersey should know if a NEW Dark Money PAC is masking itself as a COVID-related advocacy organization…and it is important that we all have the facts and understand that this NEW Dark Money Political Action has a far broader agenda beyond COVID-19.
The Sunlight Policy Center of New Jersey (SPCNJ) strives to bring transparency to New Jersey’s special-interest-dominated political system. This requires shining a light on the political activities of New Jersey’s most powerful special interest, the New Jersey Education Association, (NJEA). As detailed in SPCNJ’s report “A Spider Web of Political Power and Influence,” the NJEA tries to keep New Jersey citizens in the dark about the extent of its influence by using secret funding and behind-the-scenes support for its vast network of allies. SPCNJ’s goal is to shed light on this network of allies and reveal the true sources of its funding and support.
Please read our latest report – “WHO IS NJ21UNITED?” to learn about the actual goals of the organization, its overall political agenda (beyond COVID-19), and how this NEW organization is the latest addition to NJEA’s Spider’s Web of Political Influence.
It is time the facts come to light.
It is time we begin educating ourselves on the facts.
As always, every point is documented, sourced, and footnoted.