Stuff in the ‘Network of Allies’ Category
Don’t Be Fooled: “For the Many” Is Government Unions Pushing to Keep NJ Taxes the Highest in the Nation
Posted On01/25/2023 byTwo news items appeared in Sunlight’s inbox yesterday, and their juxtaposition tells you all you need to know about New Jersey’s special-interest-dominated status quo and the very high taxes that go with it. This malign status quo is why New Jersey was ranked dead last in the nation for its tax climate for businesses —…Read More
NJSpotlight Roundtable on the Teacher Shortage Is Sponsored by the NJEA: Will It Be Open and All-Encompassing?
Posted On12/09/2022 byNJSpotlight News is hosting a virtual roundtable on “worrisome signs and possible solutions” about the shortage of teachers in New Jersey. All well and good except that the main sponsor of the event is long-time and substantial NJSpotlight donor (see here and here), the NJEA, and Sunlight wonders whether the roundtable will be able to explore all…Read More
New NJEA Tax Return: ELC, NJ Policy Perspective and NJ Working Families Continue to Take Lots of NJEA Money
Posted On07/01/2022 byMore from the NJEA’s 2019 tax return, this time on the NJEA’s network of allies. Sunlight’s readers know that the NJEA’s generous funding of its allies is a big part of how it wields its dominant influence over New Jersey’s political system. These allies help execute the NJEA’s agenda by giving it the appearance of…Read More
NJ Teachers’ Highest-in-the-Nation Dues Are Secretly Being Used to Fund Murphy’s Political Ambitions
Posted On06/23/2022 bySome things never change. Teachers and New Jersey citizens are being scammed again. revealed that the NJEA has contributed $750,000 to a Stronger Fairer Forward (SFF), a dark money Super PAC supporting Gov. Murphy run for president. This is a continuation of the role the NJEA played in Murphy’s 2021 re-election. During Murphy’s first…Read More
More Biased, Substandard “Research” from Mark Weber and NJ Policy Perspective
Posted On06/10/2022 byAnother Mark Weber (a.k.a “Jersey Jazzman”) report for New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP), another example of substandard, biased research. The sad thing is that the media takes what Weber says at face value when they shouldn’t. As Sunlight has documented, there are many, many examples of Weber’s shoddy and biased “research.” Weber returns to a…Read More
Deb Cornavaca, the NJEA and Gov. Murphy: A Revolving Door of Special-Interest Influence
Posted On05/18/2022 byWell, well, well, as night follows day, a NJEA political organizer cycles into the Murphy administration as a senior officer and then cycles right back to the NJEA. Murphy’s Deputy Chief of Staff Deborah Cornavaca is leaving to become the NJEA’s Director of Government Relations. Recall that Cornavaca was an NJEA political organizer before she…Read More
More Biased “Research” from Mark Weber, Bruce Baker and NJ Policy Perspective
Posted On02/09/2022 byThe eleventh time is a charm, apparently. Or as NJEdReport says: “Here we go again.” The New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP) duo of Mark Weber (a.k.a., “Jersey Jazzman”) and Bruce Baker continue to churn out flawed “research” that uses cherry-picked data to reach predetermined conclusions, which always and everywhere support the agenda of their NJEA…Read More
In Contrast to NJ Policy Perspective, NJEdReport Provides a Fair and Data-Driven Look at State Education Spending
Posted On10/21/2021 bySunlight heartily recommends NJEdReport’s comprehensive report on NJ education spending. It is full of excellent data that covers the various spending measurements and related state spending, such as municipal aid. It is fair but does not pull punches when it comes to the slanted research of Mark Weber and Bruce Baker for NJ Policy Perspective….Read More
NJEA Sponsorship of NJ PBS’s Gubernatorial Debate Raises Red Flags
Posted On10/14/2021 byKudos to Politico‘s Carly Sitrin for her excellent piece (unfortunately behind a paywall) on the NJEA’s sponsoring NJ PBS’s 2021 gubernatorial debate, despite the fact that the NJEA endorsed one of the debate participants, Gov. Murphy, and committed at least $15.5 million to Murphy’s re-election. As Sitrin notes, New Jersey’s elections watchdog, the Election Law…Read More
For the 10th Time, NJ Policy Perspective Distorts the Data to Reach the NJEA’s Preferred Conclusions
Posted On09/29/2021 bySunlight has learned from the past that the New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP) duo of Mark “Jersey Jazzman” Weber and Bruce Baker can be relied on for two things: 1) distorting the data; and 2) arriving at the preferred conclusions of NJPP’s generous patron, the NJEA. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and…Read More