Apparently, Gov. Murphy sees nothing wrong with appearing in ads funded by a special interest advocating the policies that the special interest wants. He did it last week using the very same language that the special interest uses. Now he’s doing it again.
The NJEA strongly backed Gov. Murphy in the governor’s race. A high-ranking NJEA political organizer is now a senior member of Murphy’s staff. The SPCNJ uncovered the NJEA’s secret $2.5 million funding for the dark money group New Directions New Jersey, whose ads the governor appears in, touting their shared agenda.
Doesn’t the governor see the apparent conflict of interest? Doesn’t he understand that such brazen accommodation of a special-interest backer further erodes the public’s faith in government?
The governor is supposed to represent the people of New Jersey, not a special interest. Sadly, the governor appears oblivious to that basic tenet of good government. Too bad for the people of New Jersey.