Excellent Star-Ledger Op-Ed by Garden State Initiative on NJ Outmigration
Posted On12/13/2019 byCandidates beware: Property taxes are pushing Dems, Republicans and even independents to leave New Jersey By Star-Ledger Guest Columnist By Regina M. Egea It was well reported during 2017’s gubernatorial campaign that then-candidate Phil Murphy recounted a conversation with California’s then-Gov. Jerry Brown in which he said he wanted to make New Jersey the “California…Read More
NJ Left Behind Rightly Asks: Whose Interests Is ELC Representing?
Posted On12/12/2019 byNJ Left Behind is spot-on when it comes to calling out the Education Law Center’s most recent hypocrisy. ELC famously proclaims that it’s looking out for disadvantaged kids, but NJ Left Behind puts the lie to that. Here are some FACTS about the ELC (which will be further detailed in an upcoming report by SPCNJ):…Read More
Sue Altman Is Suing for EDA Records: Who Is Paying the Lawyers?
Posted On12/12/2019 byInsiderNJ reports that Sue Altman, the state director of Working Families Alliance who was famously removed from a recent state senate hearing, is suing the state for records of the Economic Development Agency. Remember that Altman claims that Working Families receives about $75,000 per year from public sector unions, although we apparently have to take…Read More
A “Fact-Lite” Statement from Working Families
Posted On12/06/2019 byVia InsiderNJ, Working Families spokesman Rob Duffey issued a statement yesterday challenging Senate President Sweeney’s characterization of Working Families state director Sue Altman as a “paid protester.” Calling it a “Trumpian epithet,” Duffey claimed that Working Families represented “the cries of non-partisan advocates and reformers” and accused Sweeney of “placing special interests over the public…Read More
Wake Up New Jersey: Gov. Murphy Wants To Raise Your Taxes, and Not Just on Millionaires
Posted On12/05/2019 byNJ Spotlight wrote a revealing article on Governor Murphy’s tax-hike plans. If it were up to Murphy – that is, if senate president Sweeney weren’t resisting Murphy – the state sales tax would rise from 6.625% to 7%. It is true that some items like groceries and clothing are exempted, but make no mistake about…Read More
What the Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran Didn’t Ask Working Families’ Sue Altman
Posted On12/04/2019 byThe Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran interviewed Sue Altman, state director of Working Families Alliance, who was famously removed from a state senate hearing on the corporate incentives program. In the interview, Altman claims that Working Families receives about $75,000 from public sector unions. We are left to take her word for it because Working Families is…Read More
Due to High Taxes and Costs, Poll Shows 44% of NJ Residents Want to Leave
Posted On12/02/2019 byThanks to the Garden State Initiative and Fairleigh-Dickinson for their recent polling, which serves to confirm what SPCNJ detailed in its recent report “Beware the Downward Spiral.” For decades, New Jersey’s most powerful special interest, the New Jersey Education Association, has pushed for higher government spending and the higher taxes to pay for it. The…Read More
Working Families Makes A Lot of Noise But Remember Whom They Speak For
Posted On11/20/2019 byInsiderNJ reports that Working Families Alliance head Sue Altman had to be removed from a legislative hearing on the Economic Development Authority. Altman issued a statement after her removal, calling it “the dirty underbelly of a machine that will subvert democracy in its ruthless goal to accumulate and maintain power.” But whom is Working Families…Read More
Is the NJEA’s Super PAC Playing Fast and Loose with the Rules in Camden?
Posted On11/01/2019 byThere’s a hotly contested school board race going on in Camden on. News accounts have described it as a contest between two slates: “Camden Votes” backed by the NJEA-affiliate Camden Education Association, and “Education for Everyone” backed by the Camden County Democratic Committee. SPCNJ doesn’t typically get opine on local politics, but we have been…Read More
NJ’s Taxes Are the Worst in the Country for Businesses – for the Fifth Straight Year!
Posted On10/24/2019 byThe Tax Foundation has come out with its annual review of business tax climates in the 50 states, and the news for NJ is not good. For the fifth straight year, NJ is dead last. Here are the major tax categories: Corporate: 49 Income: 50 Sales: 42 Property: 47 Neighbors NY and PA – with…Read More