Executive Summary – NJEA: New Jersey’s Political Machine
Posted On05/20/2019 byThe modern New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) is a taxpayer-funded political machine. Political organizing infuses the organization from top to bottom. At the top, the NJEA Executive Office is now run by political operators: three quarters of the Executive Office are political organizers. Almost all of the headquarters staff are engaged in some form of…Read More
The NJEA’s Network of Allies and Affiliates
Posted On05/17/2019 byThe NJEA funds a large network of allies who cooperate with the NJEA in political action and help it build coalitions that broaden its reach and impact. Such allies also provide the NJEA with supportive research to bolster its political goals, legal expertise to supplement them, and often the cover of a seemingly broader-based political…Read More
New Jersey’s Underperforming Economy and Outmigration
Posted On05/13/2019 byHigh taxes and cost-of-living have hurt the state’s economy. The tax system renders the state inhospitable to businesses and uncompetitive with other states—particularly with neighboring New York and Pennsylvania. Consequently, economic and job growth are weak and significantly underperform both the nation and New York and Pennsylvania. Businesses, taxpayers, and most ominously, young adults are…Read More