At the very least, Sunlight had good timing. Ten days ago, we posted our blog asking where was Attorney General Platkin’s investigation of Gov. Murphy’s pals Sean Spiller and Brendan Gill for (allegedly) misusing state health benefits. Five days later, Politico picked up on a Press of Atlantic City article on one of the three indicted Wildwood officials who pleaded guilty to misusing state health benefits (and who faces prison time). Today, the Montclair Local continued its excellent reporting on former-Montclair Mayor Sean Spiller’s continuing legal troubles with a thorough report into the status of the ongoing criminal investigation of Spiller (and presumably Gill). The headline says it all: “AG Office ‘Ongoing’ Investigation into Montclair Puts Spiller in Spotlight.”
We would add that Spiller is running for governor and that NJEA leadership (including Spiller) has turned the NJEA into one, giant “Spiller for Governor” Super PAC, with plans to spend up to $35 million supporting Spiller’s run.
Here’s what we learned from the Local:
- In response to the Local‘s questions, the Attorney General’s office stated that the investigation is “ongoing.” This is a criminal investigation that has been going on since at least December 2022, when the AG subpoenaed Montclair Township for pay records. That’s almost two years ago. Hmmm.
- AG Platkin has recused himself from the investigation of Spiller. That’s the proper course of action for an AG who has such obvious ties to Spiller and the NJEA (as we noted in our blog). But whoever is running the investigation still answers to Murphy, who has a very close relationship with Spiller (and Gill). Hmmm.
- AG Platkin, himself, said of the guilty plea by the Wildwood official for misusing state health benefits: “This was a self-serving … betrayal of the public’s trust that saddled New Jersey residents with a six-figure bill for the defendant’s personal gain.” Per the Local, Spiller availed himself of benefits worth $49,800, and per the Star-Ledger, Gill availed himself of $223,257. That’s a “six-figure” bill for New Jersey residents. Hmmm.
- The AG’s office said the Wildwood officials were ineligible to receive state health benefits because they were not full-time employees (35 hours per week). As Montclair mayor, Spiller received a $10,000 stipend. As president of the NJEA, his total 2022 compensation was $439,665. Yet Spiller certified that he worked 35 hours a week in Montclair. Hmmm.
- During a deposition for the whistleblower lawsuit naming Spiller, Spiller pleaded his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination over 400 times, including when asked whether he had a full-time job as NJEA president. Hmmm.
- The whistleblower’s lawyer had this to say: “The office of the Attorney General has to dispense justice equally, so I would expect that the former Mayor [Spiller] … who knowingly took State health benefits to which [he] was not entitled, and signed false certifications to do so, will be held to account soon.” Seems pretty clear-cut. Hmmm.
That’s a lot of “Hmmms” about the criminal investigation of Spiller, who happens to be running for governor. What’s clear is that Spiller looks like he is in some serious legal jeopardy. Shouldn’t New Jersey voters know about the resolution of the investigation before the May 2025 Democratic Primary? If Spiller is innocent, he deserves to have his name cleared. If he’s not, voters must know that before they vote.
And what about New Jersey teachers? NJEA leadership (including Spiller) has already spent $8 million supporting Spiller and could spend another $35 million, so that would make for a total of $43 million of teachers’ regular dues. Yet NJEA leadership (including Spiller) hides this truth from the very teachers who are funding Spiller’s run. And no wonder: Would teachers choose to use $43 million of their hard-earned dues to support a candidate who is under criminal investigation? They, too, deserve to know the truth.