Credit to BuryPensions for catching this.
The Mondelez (owner of Nabisco) plant in Fair Lawn is shutting down. That’s 600 jobs that disappear with it. What a shame.
NJ citizens must remember that NJ has had the worst tax climate for businesses in the nation FOR SEVEN STRAIGHT YEARS, and that Gov. Murphy just raised corporate taxes again! New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP) tells us that NJ’s high taxes are not causing outmigration but tell that to the 600 workers who just lost their jobs!
But of course NJPP is not interested in reality. It’s interested in supporting its deep-pocketed, taxpayer-funded patron, the NJEA. The NJEA was four-square behind Murphy’s tax increase, as it has been for every other tax increase for the last fifty years. NJPP is there to help smooth the way.
And then there’s Gov. Murphy appearing as the front man in NJEA-funded TV ads calling for ….. TAX INCREASES!
The sad truth is that NJ is run for powerful, taxpayer-funded special interests rather than the working men and women who pay the taxes.
What a shame.