Thanks to NJLeftBehind for its excellent piece commenting on SPCNJ’s recent report: “Councilman Spiller, Mayor Spiller, Governor Spiller?” NJLeftBehind did some research and found that, as might be expected, the NJEA is financially backing its Vice President with thousands of dollars in donations. This of course adds another layer of conflict of interest to Spiller’s already conflict-ridden candidacy.
What was a little surprising was that NJEA-friendly Governor Murphy saw fit to donate $2,600 to Spiller’s campaign. SPCNJ wonders whether our governor sees anything wrong with the clear conflicts of interest that would occur if Spiller were elected Montclair mayor. SPCNJ would like to ask our governor whether at some point Spiller’s conflicts of interest would become so large as to undermine democratic governance in the state. Does our governor not see any problem with this?