New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP) is a union-backed advocacy group commissioned to come up with what the unions believe will be reports that help their cause.
In 2014 they came out with a report (easily refuted) that claimed “New Jersey ranks close to last for overall pension benefit generosity, at 95th out of 100, in part because of cuts enacted in the pension reforms of 2011.”
Last week they came out with a brief (easily refuted) [link to SPCNJ research] detailing a “wage gap” between New Jersey teachers and private-sector workers.
Of course NJPP are free to repay their donors by whatever means but the possibility exists that some idiot will take this propaganda seriously and, if they happen to be a teacher covered by a union, what are they supposed to think?
I am doing a great job and is this what $928 in annual dues gets me? Near the bottom in benefits and wages?
Which reminds me:
Sportscaster and former baseball great Ralph Kiner tells the following story: After the season in which I hit 37 home runs, I asked Pittsburgh Pirate general manager Branch Rickey for a raise. He refused. “I led the league in homers,” I reminded him. “Where did we finish?” Rickey asked me. “Last,” I replied. “Well,” Rickey said, “We can finish last without you.”