So why is the NJEA leadership in Trenton focused on getting teachers involved in local politics and culture wars?
According to a recent Monmouth poll, the NJEA’s proposed policies are opposed by the vast majority of New Jersey citizens and parents.
Post-pandemic learning loss and increased student misbehavior are making it harder for teachers to teach and causing many to leave the profession altogether. What is the NJEA union leadership doing about it?
NJEA leadership in Trenton is not just ignoring the state’s education crisis, but are focused instead on pushing, recruiting, and training teachers to tale deeplu unpopular positions in local political “culture wars.”
Whether it be parental notification, teaching gender identity to grades 1-5, allowing gender-birth boys to play girls’ sports, and allowing bathroom use by gender identity, a recent Monmouth poll shows that these NJEA-promoted policies are far out of step with the rest of New Jersey.
Teachers want to teach, not play politics, especially in the towns where they work.
All of this is being paid for by New Jersey teachers’ highest-in-the-nation dues. Teachers have no say in the matter.