InsiderNJ reports on a New Direction New Jersey (NDNJ) email blast condemning the legislature’s budget as a “scam” that “screws working people” and benefits millionaires.
That’s laughable. Remember that NDNJ is a dark money group funded by the NJEA with $2.5 million of taxpayer dollars. Remember that in 2016 the NJEA supported raising the gasoline tax and attacked the reduction in the sales tax. Remember that NJEA Executive Director Ed Richardson famously asked “who has been complaining about the sales tax, anyway?” Remember that Richardson is a multi-millionaire one-percenter whose $2.98 million in compensation from 2013-2016 came from taxes paid by the very same middle-class taxpayers who would bear the brunt of higher gas and sales taxes.
So who is really trying to screw middle-class New Jerseyans?
NDNJ is a mouthpiece for the NJEA. The real scam is that the NJEA has rigged the system so that taxpayer dollars flow directly to their coffers and they then use that money to secretly fund dark money groups, to push for higher taxes on the middle class, and make its leadership millionaires and one-percenters.
Where is the “fairness” in that?
Read the full InsiderNJ story here.